Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Dog Thinks I Cheated on Her

BlogPaws was an amazing event. I had so much fun meeting the many pet bloggers and other pet people in attendance. It was especially nice to meet many of the other members of the BISSELL Pack of Pet Lovers. We actually got to dog-sit for a few minutes for Max the super dog of The Dog Files fame and enjoyed visiting with Kenn! That’s Max and Kenn in the pictures below.

We also spent some time with Jaime from ThoughtsfurPaws. I was able to say hello to Yvonne and Tom from Scratchings & Sniffings but they were very busy running the event. I’m hoping to spend more time with them at the Furry Scurry in Denver in a few weeks! We missed Adam and Wendy from Paw Luxury. I’m sorry I don’t have more pictures; I forgot my camera this trip… I have a ton of blogs and websites to check out as I have time, in future posts I’ll try to talk more about others I met!

I learned so much from the other bloggers and also from the sessions that I was able to attend. One of the most challenging things for me is going to be posting enough. This was a reoccurring topic and the consensus was that daily posts are needed. I’m hoping for weekly with the help of some guest bloggers occasionally. I hope that works. I wasn’t able to attend all presentations but of the ones that I went to, a few really stood out including Larry McDaniel’s keynote address “Confessions of a Corporate Sponsored Blogger”. He had some great advice regarding developing a voice, good content, credibility, marketing and my favorite to “love critters.” I can’t wait to read his “Musings on Miles” post in the Scratchings & Sniffings blog. I also really enjoyed hearing Natalie Malaszenko from Petco. She was very interesting and shared some great tips on writing an engaging post. Her first point was to create a compelling title; I gave that a try on this post!

As far as that title goes, the only downside about BlogPaws happened when I returned home late Saturday night. Loco greeted me excitedly at the door and then took one big sniff. She spent the next 10 minutes with her nose glued to my legs. After this she stepped back, gave me one of those “how could you?” looks and then I got the cold shoulder. I tried to explain that I didn’t really spend a lot of time with the other dogs but given all the smells, she didn’t really believe that. Next I tried to explain that if she wasn’t, well so “crazy” and awkward in meeting other dogs that she could have gone with me. She seems to find her behavior perfectly acceptable so no luck with that either. Finally, I realized that there were treats in my BlogPaws goodie bag. I busted out the Biscuits by Lambchop treats and she loved them – especially the banana, coconut, vanilla ones. I think I’m forgiven, for now at least! I need to work more on her socialization skills so I can take her along next time.


  1. Well done on the title of this post! Bravo. :-) Was a pleasure meeting you at BlogPaws!

  2. Aww, I know that look and intent sniffing when you've been away around other dogs! Poor Loco. Glad she enjoyed our treats though and happy to help put you back in her good graces! I hope next time she can come along. : )

  3. Poor Loco, needs a lot of TLC when she thinks you have been unfaithful to her, the treats were a start I suppose.
